Wednesday, August 21, 2013

32 is the new 22

Hey everyone - I feel like it has been awhile since I've said hi!

Hi!!  :)

I hope you are all doing well.  Life is going along here at a sweet pace.  It's a little strange to be honest.  It's like things are moving along like a happy, bubbly, little brook and I can't help but feel like a leaf floating downstream on my way to a larger body of water.  Is that weird?  It's the only way I can think to explain how I am feeling these days.  The feeling is good - it's refreshing and fun to feel you are being swept along in a cleansing element - the feeling is one I only last remember feeling in my early twenties.  It's like life is an open road and the possibilities are limitless.

So I'm saying things are good and exciting.  :)  And I can't shake the feeling that I am on my way to something bigger and better than I have ever dreamed.  It is a lovely feeling!  Maybe it's the juicing...maybe it's my age...I dunno.  I'm just relaxed and happy and content :)  Good stuff.

Here's a quick little update of what I've been up to and what's keeping me moving these days:

1.  Tubing!
I went tubing on the Comal River with some friends and it was so cool!  I now own my own inner tube (complete with cup holders and a back rest).  It's amazing :)  We had so much was a great experience.  Imagine leaving your phone behind and floating peacefully down a river with your friends for a couple of hours.  It was a refreshing, rare treat!

Not my pic!  But this is exactly what it looked like on the Comal River.
2.  Improv!
I have joined an improv class (level 1) at The Institution Theater here in Austin.  I love it!  The class is a great opportunity to let loose and engage my crazy side - which I desperately enjoy doing ;)  Found out last night that my teacher was the instructor in Bill Hader's first improv class.

I am in good hands ;)

Really though, our instructor teaches us things that I am using in my everyday life.  Things like "It's not going to work until you get out of your head and into your heart!"  And..."Our instinct is always right...It's the second step that's hard."  We spend a lot of time doing exercises that force our class to connect with one another and work together.  I really enjoy everything I am learning there and I wish there was a way to take notes AND participate ;)

3.  Bible Study!
AT LAST!  We have a Beth Moore bible study up and running!!!  I am sooo excited about this one.  Our group is calling itself "SIC ATX" and we are doing "James:  Mercy Triumphs."  We are only one session in but it's soooooooooooo good. So good.

Did you know?  You can download Beth Moore bible study lectures directly from the LifeWay website for $5 a pop?  That is a STEAL, people!!!  Go on and getcha some!

James: Mercy Triumphs

Our little group is off to a great start. I look forward to seeing how this study will transform the lives of our group members. Beth Moore always inspires big changes through these fabulous studies and I just know it's going to be GOOD.

4.  My job!
I am really beginning to enjoy my job :)  Joining a local Rotary club was SO much more fun than I expected.  At the start of every meeting we pray, say the pledge of allegiance, and sing a song.  Today we sang a song all Texans know and love...and it made me feel so good to sing it :)

Everyone at my rotary club is so friendly and fun.  I love it!  We have local business owners speak at each meeting.  This week we had a representative from the Austin Parks & Rec department and I made sure to introduce myself to the speaker.  Gotta realize my Leslie Knope inspirations somehow!  ;)

Looking at this makes me realize how much I see myself like this in my head.  Scary... :)
I am also finally finding my stride in meeting business owners and bringing some great opportunities to our bank.  It's exciting!  Everyday I feel like I am wayyyy in over my head BUT...God is keeping me stable.  I pray over my work day every morning and I know God is going to make my time there a blessing in my life.  I catch glimpses of myself as I am running around to appointments and I can't believe the transformation my professional life has taken :)  It's good stuff.

Happy girl :)
Good attitudes.  Positivity.  Exploration.  Loving others.  Being lovable.  Being truthful.  These are my current keys to peace.  Life is lovely and I wish I had so many of you so much closer rather than miles away.  I feel like God has given me a life reset.  I feel like I am 22 again with all the wisdom of a woman in her 30s :)  It's a good feeling.  Everyday I seek Him first...and I ask Him for blessings and mercies and protection for myself, my friends, my coworkers, and my family.

Friends, God is faithful.

Love ya,

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