Sunday, July 21, 2013


Evening pardddners :)

How are you all doing?  I just wanted to touch base and share with you guys a little bit about a Women's Gathering I went to this past week at the Austin Stone church here in Austin.  It was so good :)

So, it was this past Tuesday - which just so happened to be a very rough day for me at work.  There was some coworker drama going on, I hadn't gotten enough sleep, and I was feeling super overwhelmed about the tasks that make up my job.  I came home feeling frustrated and about a million miles from good.  I made dinner for myself and ate it while trying to decide whether or not to go to the Women's Gathering after such a crappy day.  My sister had decided not to go with me so being on my own wasn't making things easier.  But finally, I made up my mind to go...and on the way I prayed a little prayer asking God to give me some comfort at this event because I sure hadn't gotten any comfort during the day :/

You guys recall that I am a banker, right? Well, I get myself up to the event, grab a seat, and the speaker reveals the topic of the message.  It was on the topic of...


Yeahhhhh...this banker who'd spent the previous 8 hrs being extremely frustrated at her banking job perked her pretty little ears right up.  ;)  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Simple Kinda Life

Hi everybody :)  How's it going?  I'm blogging to you live from the sun-bright city of Austin, Texas with my good pal Callie by my side.  She's writing an entry on HER blog - - please feel free to check her out :)

It has been a lovely couple of weeks here in God's country!  The juicing is going great, my job is getting more interesting everyday, mom and dad were in town for the 4th of July, and I get my new apartment in FOUR days!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yay!

Life truly feels simple and sweet. That sweet simplicity is something I've been thinking a lot about these days :) It is hard for someone like me (my mind is always in 10 places at once and my energy levels are HIGH to say the least) to slow down and apply a simplified perspective - but I've been more and more able to achieve this here in Austin.  Check out this devotional I read the other day: