Thursday, March 6, 2014

What I'm giving up for Lent

LENT.  I don't typically take part in Lent...but it seems like this year everybody and their mama is talking about it!  People are giving up Facebook, sugar, TV, cussing, wine...basically anything that isn't easy for a person to give up. And, in case you didn't know, you are sacrificing this luxury in your life as a way to reflect upon the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross.

No small feat!

I was trying to think about things I could give up for 40 days...knowing FULL well that my personality type is awful at giving things up.  I don't deny myself things I want very well :(  The only reason I've been successful with juicing for breakfast and lunch for so long is because I have tricked myself into thinking that I'm not NOT eating food...I'm treating myself to a luxurious all natural fruit/veg cocktail elixir of the gods!  Yep.

I got to thinking, and here are some things that I could give up for Lent: