Thursday, April 25, 2013

House Tour :)

Hey y'all!

I wanted to give you guys a tour around the new Marsh homestead!  My mother would appreciate it if I would make it very clear that this home is still a work in progress.  We have not even been here one month!  In fact, I have excluded showing you the spare bedroom (aka my current room), the office, the powder room, the garage apartment, and the garage because those works are still TOO much in progress :)  All photos were taken from angles that excluded moving boxes :)

Hopefully the following partial  tour will be enough to give you a feel for the house as a whole.

Starting at the beginning!  As you can see below, the house is a Texas Historic Landmark.  It was owned by the man who founded the Sealy Mattress Company (he named the business after the town).

The previous owners gave us photos of the house before the 1995 renovations.  You wouldn't believe the transformation!  The woman who lived here up to 1995 had let the place get so run down because she was afraid any home improvements would increase her taxes!

Let's move on inside.  Here I am hanging out on the front porch:


Saturday, April 20, 2013


Hello :)

Katie and I spent our entire day exploring the city of Houston.  We had such a fun day!  We got our tour stop ideas from Pinterest - of all places - but it worked out well.  Katie and I set off with the idea in mind that "Austin may be proud to be weird, but Houston is funky!!"

Our first stop was the Beer Can House in the River Oaks area of Houston.  Apparently if you're a celebrity in Houston - you live in this neighborhood...and this is your neighbor:  
Beer Can House
This house is in the middle of a normal suburban neighborhood.  The story is that the owner got tired of mowing his grass so he covered his property in over 50,000 beer cans.  I could live in a house like this!  The hanging chains of beer cans sound like chimes blowing in the wind :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Peace like a river

Hey y'all!

Sound Texan, don't I?  ;)  Let me ask you - what kind of woman moves to Texas in April and doesn't bring a single pair of shorts?  THIS woman (points at self).  I am on a tight budget so I can't run out and revamp my wardrobe.  So here is what is quickly becoming of my precious jeans:

Let's pray there isn't a freak snowstorm anytime soon :(
2013 is going to be the year the Marsh's completely bypassed spring all together.  We are in summer temperatures and it's only going to get hotter!  I love it though.  It is freeing to be rid of the cardigans and closed toed shoes :)  It's also freeing to be rid of my liquid eyeliner!  I will have to save that for special, air conditioned events going forward.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We made it!

Hi everyone, 

First off, thanks for being interested enough in my life to read this :)  I wanted to start a blog so that friends and family could check in on our adventure without having to go through social media.  I promise future posts won't be as lengthy as this one!

Secondly, after driving 1400 miles in 2 days... I am in TEXAS!  The Marsh's (including FOUR cats and a dog) arrived safe and sound on April 8.  
Puttin the pedal to the metal!