Thursday, May 23, 2013

Partner, Partner Lemme Upgrade Ya

Hey y'all!  So today was my first day of work :)  It went well.  I have a lot to learn and I am excited about what I think is going to be an amazing opportunity to grow.  Please, though, let me show you the best part of my new job:

Not just an ordinary desk to me ;)
My new office includes FULL WINDOWS (!!!!) and my very own printer!  I could hear Beyonce singing "Partner lemme upgrade ya..." in my head when they told me this was my office.  :)  It's the little things I guess.

Early this week everything seemed bleak but I feel like my prayers were answered.  I read this post by Joyce Meyer this morning that really helped put things in perspective for me:

I can totally see this in my own life.  Sometimes it feels like I'm the last woman on earth who is like me (starting over, single, trying not to be so insecure, blah blah blah) but it's good to reaffirm that the things that have happened (and not happened) to me are developing me into a person that God can use for maximum potential.  It makes me happy to see the peace in all the pieces :)

See?  Happy :)
I'm so grateful for the support God has given me over these past few weeks.  And I'm glad my Austin friends are the kind of friends who know how to celebrate a good day!

My first happy hour as a happily employed woman in Austin :)
Much peace and love,