Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Peace like a river

Hey y'all!

Sound Texan, don't I?  ;)  Let me ask you - what kind of woman moves to Texas in April and doesn't bring a single pair of shorts?  THIS woman (points at self).  I am on a tight budget so I can't run out and revamp my wardrobe.  So here is what is quickly becoming of my precious jeans:

Let's pray there isn't a freak snowstorm anytime soon :(
2013 is going to be the year the Marsh's completely bypassed spring all together.  We are in summer temperatures and it's only going to get hotter!  I love it though.  It is freeing to be rid of the cardigans and closed toed shoes :)  It's also freeing to be rid of my liquid eyeliner!  I will have to save that for special, air conditioned events going forward.  

Things are busy but good in Sealy.  Our movers arrived last Saturday and the four of us have spent each day unpacking box after box after box after box.  Today is Tuesday and we are at least settled enough to invite our first dinner guests over.  Our neighbors Estella (a clone of my sweet Grandma Kendall) and her husband "Buster" are joining us for dinner tonight.  I don't know what mom is cooking for them but it smells good so far :)

Leo greeting the movers
We tried out the "All Around Cowboy Church" as a family last Sunday and it was fun.  Everyone there was so sweet and friendly!  And any church where the pastor is part of the country swing praise band is okay by me!

Yippee ki yay!
Mom, Katie and I did a little yoga last night as the sun went down.  It was very peaceful with the wind blowing and the birds chirping.  

It's like this space was created FOR yoga!
After the horrific events in Boston yesterday, it only felt right to take some quiet time to feel, listen, and be appreciative of all we have.  The old song "I've got peace like a river, I've got love like an ocean, I've got joy like a fountain in my soul" kept running through my head as we did our practice.  I really do feel that I have those things these first weeks here in Texas.  I feel that we are all making big strides on our own paths :)  So many local people have told us we got a blessed house.  It sure feels that way :)

I love and miss you all :)


  1. Hey Rebecca! Glad you have this blog! I'm following with baited breath! Can't wait to see all the HE has for you!! Keep us posted with your wit and joie di vivre!

    (The Mrs.) Julie Sacco

    1. Yay! Hi Julie! Thank you so much :) Miss you guys!!
