Thursday, April 25, 2013

House Tour :)

Hey y'all!

I wanted to give you guys a tour around the new Marsh homestead!  My mother would appreciate it if I would make it very clear that this home is still a work in progress.  We have not even been here one month!  In fact, I have excluded showing you the spare bedroom (aka my current room), the office, the powder room, the garage apartment, and the garage because those works are still TOO much in progress :)  All photos were taken from angles that excluded moving boxes :)

Hopefully the following partial  tour will be enough to give you a feel for the house as a whole.

Starting at the beginning!  As you can see below, the house is a Texas Historic Landmark.  It was owned by the man who founded the Sealy Mattress Company (he named the business after the town).

The previous owners gave us photos of the house before the 1995 renovations.  You wouldn't believe the transformation!  The woman who lived here up to 1995 had let the place get so run down because she was afraid any home improvements would increase her taxes!

Let's move on inside.  Here I am hanging out on the front porch:


I love the stained glass window on the front door:

Moving in through the front door you enter the first of two hallway/foyers.  Here's the view from the far end of the second one:

We love the big hallway/foyer!  It's a really cool space and it makes the house feel so ... fancy!  From the above view, there are three rooms leading off the foyer closest to the front door.  On the right is the family/tv room.  Off to the left are doors leading to the formal living room and the dining room.  Here are some pics:

TV room housing dad's beloved new TV
Living Room - I love that tree right outside of the window!
Dining Room.  Can't wait for a holiday dinner here :)
The room off the right hand side of the second foyer is mom and dad's bedroom.  Off to the left is the kitchen.

Mom and Dad's room
Master bath - nothing like a claw foot bathtub!
Mom has a pretty nice closet off the master bath too.  It goes up super high and she uses a stick with a hook on the end of it to hang up clothes :)

Chef Katie in the kitchen
It was probably hardest to get a good photo of the kitchen.  It's more of a square space that utilizes the height of the room for storage.  At least in the above photo you can see it in action :)

Beyond the two foyer/hallways is a hallway leading to my room, dad's office, and the powder room.  I am sparing you those pictures :)  So we'll continue out of that hallway and onto the back porch.

Back porch
We love this porch!  We've had dinner out here every night possible and it has also become our outdoor office/yoga space :)  Mom has been busy filling empty corners with plants and flowers.

Katie and I built a cactus garden for dad
The backyard is divided in half by the porch.

This side faces a street.  You can see the garage in the background.

This side faces the neighbor's yard.  This is my "book nook"...aka where I like to read :)
The yard has two working fountains which we love.  One has goldfish!  We have also unofficially adopted a yard cat.  Actually, he adopted us.  He won't leave!  Katie, our friend, and I rescued him when he was stuck in a tree and apparently that (and the food we fed him) sealed the deal :)

Our yard cat checking out the yard goldfish.
So that about sums it up!  We are really enjoying this home and all that it has to offer.   I can see our family creating lots of memories here :)  We hope to see many of you here one day!

"Thanks for visiting!" - Leo


  1. Amazing, the house the story the adventure, i look forward to reading your book one day

    1. Thanks Finn! We shall see about the book ;)
      Your and Sheila's confidence in me has me seriously considering it lol

  2. GREAT PICS!!!! Everything looks just like I knew it would! Looks as if everything is coming together wonderfully! Mom & I miss you all. Love, Sherry
